Are you really love me?


Okay i know all of you ever asking on your brain like my title.
although you are a man or woman, young or old, a worker or student. i am sure you ever think when you in a relationship or in a approach phase.
same like me, when i am closer to a man in my silent i often ask like this
is he really loves me?
sometimes this question make us confuse, am i right?

okay, according to my experience here are somethings that your boy/girl will do if they like you. what is that? read this following points 🔻🔻
1. he/she care to you 
          he/she care in the sense he/she know many thing about you, although you never tell that tings. as example, when both of you lunch together he/she will order your favorite foods. or he/she will put sauce near to your food because they know you like spicy food. an easier way to know he/she care to you are try to be different. i suggest you little change your appearance. like change your hairstyle, use things that you never use before ex: use watch or high-heeled shoes. if he/she care to you he/she will ask about the different thing which suddenly you show .

 2. without you know she/he is always see you at a glance
yeah, if he/she loving you they cant stopped  looking to you. because for them looking you will make him/her happy. looking for you also could make him/her more spirit to do their activity. so, try to attention their eyes, is he/she often watching you?

3. she/he rarely say words " i love you"

I know you maybe think this point is weird. but, this is true if your boy/girl always say i love you, along the day you must be careful. because she/he just tease or seduce you, he/she maybe do the same thing to another boy/girl. the boy/girl who really loves you just say "i love you" when him/her really want, in the right place and right time too because he/she know  for loving you is not about beautiful words but about how she/he treat you.

4. She/he will do everything to make you happy 
its not important if he/she never get jealous when you with another girl/man or  give you a surprise. the right loves is when he/she give all she/he have to make you happy and smile. picked up you when you ask. he is not ask "are you have breakfast?" but he will ask what you want for breakfast then he will bring the breakfast to your place (for you girl). and she is not say "good luck for your physical exam tomorrow" but she will wake you up earlier at morning or give you nutritional food so your body stronger (for you man). if he/she loves you he/she will take an action not just words. 

 5. She/He never feel shame for introducing you to his/her friend or holding your hand in public

Holding your hand when you both enter the restaurant then bring you to the place when he/she always hang out with friends, introducing you to his/her friends proudly. This is the most convicing sign if she/he really love you. Now, try to think how many friend of him/her that you have know? or if you with he/she enter a public place is he/she holding your hand? if not, i suggest for you for not expect much.

if your man/woman have that characteristic stay with them because they will do everything to your love and your heart.  

okay, my beloved friend until this time, I just Can write 5 points about the sign "If You Really Love me?" at the next time i will adding another sign. i need to find another experience

About the 5 point above that just according to my opinion and my experience you can accept or refuse it. for the last i say thank you for visiting my imagination world.   


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